StrålevernInfo 18:2009 Radnett – a national network for monitoring radioactivity in the environment
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority is responsible for a nationwide network of 28 stations that continuously measure background radiation levels. The network was established in the years following the Chernobyl accident in 1986, and was upgraded to a new and modern network in the period 2006-2008. The purpose of the monitoring network is to provide an early warning if radioactive emissions reach Norway. The measurements from the network will also form an important part of the decision base for the Crisis Committee for Nuclear Preparedness in an early phase, once the news of the emissions has reached Norway.
StrålevernInfo 19:2009 Radnett (in Russian)
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority is responsible for a nationwide network of 28 stations that continuously measure background radiation levels. The network was established in the years following the Chernobyl accident in 1986, and was upgraded to a new and modern network in the period 2006-2008. The purpose of the monitoring network is to provide an early warning if radioactive emissions reach Norway. The measurements from the network will also form an important part of the decision base for the Crisis Committee for Nuclear Preparedness in an early phase, once the news of the emissions has reached Norway.
StrålevernInfo 20:2009 The Radiation Protection Authority’s air filter stations
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority currently has five air filter stations located at various sites throughout Norway. The stations are important for surveying airborne radioactivity, and for the assessment and composition of any emissions in the case of mishaps and accidents. There are similar stations throughout Europe, and the inter-state collaboration makes it possible to track any emissions of radioactive substances.
StrålevernInfo 21:2009 The Radiation Protection Authority’s air filter stations (in Russian)
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority currently has five air filter stations located at various sites throughout Norway. The stations are important for surveying airborne radioactivity, and for the assessment and composition of any emissions in the case of mishaps and accidents. There are similar stations throughout Europe, and the inter-state collaboration makes it possible to track any emissions of radioactive substances.
StrålevernInfo 22:2009 Organisation of Norwegian Nuclear Preparedness (in Russian)
StrålevernInfo 23:2009 Mobile measuring equipment for measuring gamma radiation
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority uses several systems for mobile surveys. One of the systems consists of detectors that can be fitted on the roof of a car. Mobile systems can be used to survey radioactive pollution in large areas in a short time, for reference measurements and for searching for missing sources. The systems can be fitted onto vehicles or used in helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft.
StrålevernInfo 24:2009 Mobile measuring equipment for measuring gamma radiation (in Russian)
StrålevernInfo 25:2009 Strålevernets nye anbefalinger for radon i Norge
Med basis i vitenskaplige funn, har Strålevernet de siste årene sett behov for å revurdere sine anbefalinger for radon.
StrålevernInfo 26:2009 The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority’s Environmental Unit - 10 years in the Polar Environmental Centre, Tromsø
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority established an Environmental Unit at the Polar Environmental Centre in Tromsø in the summer of 1999. The aim of establishing the unit in Tromsø was to further the monitoring programmes of the NRPA in the Arctic and to the promote collaboration within the Polar Environmental Centre.
StrålevernRapport 12:2009 Rekvirering av høyenergisk stråleterapi
Stråleterapiplanlegging kan deles i to trinn der første trinn fører til en bestilling på planlegging av stråleterapi - planleggingsrekvisisjon, og andre trinn ender opp med en teknisk detaljert bestilling av behandling - behandlingsrekvisisjon. Behandlingsrekvisisjonen representerer den endelige bestillingen av stråleterapi. Rapporten presenterer et sett av parametre som bør være angitt på de to trinnene, og angir faglig ansvarsforhold knyttet til trinnene.