StrålevernInfo 3:2015 Sikring og fjerning av brukt kjernebrensel i Andrejevbukta
Sikker håndtering og fjerning av brukt kjernebrensel i Andrejevbukta er en av den norske regjeringens viktigste prioriteringer innenfor regjeringens atomhandlingsplan.
StrålevernInfo 4:2014 Joint Norwegian-Russian expedition to investigate the sunken nuclear submarine K-159 in the Barents Sea
In the summer of 2014, a joint Norwegian-Russian expedition will visit the site in the Barents Sea where the Russian nuclear submarine K-159 sank in 2003. K-159 represents a potential large source of radioactive contamination to the Arctic marine environment. The purpose of the expedition is to obtain new, up-to-date information about the level of radioactive contamination in the marine environment in the immediate vicinity of K-159 and in adjacent areas of the Barents Sea.
StrålevernRapport 8:2013 Final report 2008-2012. Norwegian support to regulatory authorities in Central Asian in radioaktive waste management
With the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority has developed projects on a bilateral basis with the aim of assisting the regulatory bodies in Central Asian countries identify gaps in the regulatory framework and draft relevant regulatory requirements to ensure the protection of personnel, the public and the environment during the planning and conducting of remedial action with regard to past practices and measures for radioactive waste management.
StrålevernInfo 8:2013 Radioaktivt avfall i Andrejevbukta
Andrejevbukta er en tidligere russisk militær servicebase som ble benyttet til å bytte kjernebrensel på atomubåter og til håndtering og lagring av brukt kjernebrensel og radioaktivt avfall. Ved anlegget på Kolahalvøya, ca. 6 mil fra Norge, er det lagret brukt reaktorbrensel og store mengder annet fast og flytende radioaktivt avfall under kritikk-verdige forhold.
StrålevernRapport 4:2013 Dismantlement of nuclear facilities decommissioned from th Russian navy
In Russian.
The availability of up to date regulatory norms and standards for nuclear and radiation safety, relevant to the management of nuclear legacy situations, combined with effective and efficient regulatory procedures for licensing and monitoring compliance, are considered to be extremely important. -
StrålevernRapport 3:2013 Dismantlement of nuclear facilities decommissioned from th Russian navy
The availability of up to date regulatory norms and standards for nuclear and radiation safety, relevant to the management of nuclear legacy situations, combined with effective and efficient regulatory procedures for licensing and monitoring compliance, are considered to be extremely important.
StrålevernInfo 12:2012 Felles norsk-russisk tokt til dumpet atomavfall i Karahavet
Høsten 2012 vil det bli gjennomført et felles norsk-russisk tokt til områder i Karahavet hvor det tidligere er blitt dumpet brukt kjernebrensel og radioaktivt avfall. Formålet med toktet er å få ny og oppdatert kunnskap om radioaktiv forurensning i områdene og om tilstanden til de dumpede gjenstandene.
StrålevernInfo 13:2012 Joint Norwegian-Russian mission to investigate dumped atomic waste in the Kara Sea
In autumn 2012, a joint Norwegian-Russian mission will visit areas in the Kara Sea where spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste have been dumped. The purpose of the mission is to obtain new, up-to-date information about radioactive pollution in these areas and about the condition of the dumped items.
StrålevernRapport 10:2010 Review of the Norwegian-Russian cooperation on safety projects at Kola and Leningrad nuclear power plants
The report reviews Norwegian-funded projects on nuclear safety at Kola and Leningrad Nuclear power plants in the period 2005–2009. The report also reviews the safety level, lifetime, decommissioning plans and plans for new reactors at the two plants.
StrålevernRapport 10:2011 Enhancement of regulatory supervision of the nuclear legacy in northwest Russia
This report describes work carried out within the cooperation programme between the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority and the Directorate of State Supervision for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation performed in 2008-2009. It focuses on development of improved regulatory documents and supervision procedures for handling spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste at facilities that are no longer used by the Russian Federation Navy but that are still under military supervision and control.