StrålevernInfo 6:2018 Floating nuclear power plant
Floating nuclear power plant to be transported along the Norwegian coast.
StrålevernRapport 6:2018 Affecting the Assessments of Impacts of Radioactive and Hazardous Waste
Based on the identified need to develop coherent approaches applicable for radioactive and hazardous waste types, as well as to mixed waste such as NORM waste, a study to address the issues affecting the assessment of impacts of disposal of radioactive and hazardous waste was done internationally by members of the Bioprota forum. Details on key objectives, main findings and results of the study are given in this report.
StrålevernRapport 5:2018 Ukranian Regulatory Threat Assessment 2017
This report reassess the main nuclear and radiation threats to safety and security in Ukraine from a regulatory perspective and identifies the current main challenges, threats and gaps in the Ukrainian regulatory framework.
StrålevernRapport 4:2018 Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites
Denne rapporten beskriver alle presentasjoner og diskusjoner fra en workshop, som også resulterte i å identifisere videre forskning og samarbeidsbehov. Workshopen ble arrangert av Statens Strålevern, med offisiell støtte fra IAEA, NEA og ICRP . Målet med seminaret var å dele erfaringer om praktisk regulering av et bredt spekter av atomarv, fra første anerkjennelse gjennom til full oppløsning.
Nuclear safety and security. The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan 2018–2022
The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for Nuclear Safety and Security in Russia, Ukraine and other countries in Eurasia, 2018–2022