The Committee is independent and provides strategic and technical advice to DSA on the safety of nuclear and radiation facilities and activities. This includes new technologies, reactors, the safe operation of nuclear facilities, handling of spent fuel, transfer of licenses from the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) to the Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning (NND), waste management, and safe and secure cleanup after nuclear activities in Norway.
Having such an advisory Body is in line with international best practices.
Terms of Reference of the Advisory Committee on Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
The members of the Committee are appointed by the Director General of DSA, on the basis of their individual qualifications and experience, rather than as representatives of their parent organisations or other affiliations. They have backgrounds in nuclear safety, radiation protection, national nuclear safety authorities, relevant sciences and international organisations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The deliberations of the Committee are collegiate and constructive and focus on delivering sound advice. No liability falls to Committee members arising from their advice. See the list of members here LINK2
Short factual minutes of the Committee’s meetings are prepared for publication on DSA’s website, alongside any reports or statements issued by the Committee. These documents do not include material that is security-sensitive, commercial-in-confidence or otherwise not suited for public dissemination. The minutes reflect the Committee’s discussions and advice and should not be taken to represent the position of DSA. DSA is not legally obliged to act in accordance with the Committee’s advice and such advice does not relieve DSA of its responsibilities for making decisions and recommendations. See minutes from the Committee meetings here:
- Meeting 18 September 2023 (pdf)
- Meeting 17–19 October 2023 (pdf)
- Meeting 17–19 June 2024 (pdf)
- Meeting 18–21 November 2024 (minutes pending finalisation)