StrålevernRapport 7:2005 Radionuclides in marine and terrestrial mammals of Svalbard
Rapporten beskriver resultater fra Strålevernets overvåkning av radioaktiv forurensning i marine og terrestre pattedyr på Svalbard.
StrålevernRapport 2:2005 Natural radioactivity in produced water from the norewgian oil and gas industry 2003
Rapporten viser resultater fra en undersøkelse av naturlig radioaktivitet i produsert vann fra samtlige 41 norske plattformer i Nordsjøen med slike utslipp.
StrålevernRapport 8:2004 Digitisation of analogue screening mammograms
In the coming years a transition from analouge to digital imaging technology will take place in the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP). This report contains a brief description of different alternatives. The solution chosen in Troms and Finnmark, digitisation of prior images, is then descrided in detail.
StrålevernInfo 5:2004 Environmental impact assessment for the decommissioning of two Russian nuclear submarines
Norway has financed the decommissioning of two Russian Viktor II class nuclear submarines through the government’s action plan for nuclear issues.
StrålevernInfo 7:2004 Dismantling of RTGs on the Kola Peninsula
In remote places along the Russian Arctic shoreline there are several hundred lighthouses powered by radioisotopic thermoelectric generators (RTGs). These generators contain highly radioactive Strontium-90 sources, which represent a local environmental hazard.