DSA-rapport 1:2022 Ukrainian Regulatory Threat Assessment 2021
This report analyses the current nuclear and radiation threats to safety and security in Ukraine from a regulatory perspective and identifies main challenges, threats and gaps in the Ukrainian regulatory framework within the responsibility of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine.
DSA Report 4:2021 Environmental impact assessment for activities during preparation and retrieval of spent nuclear fuel from dry storage unit 3A at Andreeva Bay
This report, originally written in Russian, by experts at the Kurchatov Institute, details an environmental impact assessment completed by Russian authorities at the request of DSA to study possible consequences of handling spent nuclear fuel contained in dry storage tank 3A. The work is part of the on-going cooperaption between Norway and Russia in the Norwegian Nuclear Action Plan.
DSA-info 7:2021 Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and Central Asia: Bilateral Cooperation 2018-2021
DSAs bilateral cooperation is financed through the Norwegian Governments Nuclear Action Plan, with allocation of funds from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. DSA has supported the completion of updated regulatory threat assessments in the field of radiation and nuclear safety and security by the regulatory bodies of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. A new “Roadmap” for future regulatory cooperation has been established for each country.
DSA-info 6:2021 Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and International Science and Technology Centre cooperation in Central Asia, 2019-2021
DSA has extended its cooperation with regulatory bodies from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan as a Foreign Collaborator through the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC) led project in Central Asia (CA) (2019-2021) to support the regulatory bodies in developing the regulations related to remediation.
DSA Report 01:2020 DSA Regulatory Support to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, 2017–2020
This report was written as a part of the bilateral collaboration between the regulatory authorities in Central Asian countries and Norway. The report includes a regulatory threat assessment (RTA2) in the field of nuclear and radiation safety and covers a comprehensive revision of the regulations: organization and general principles of the regulatory body, radioactive waste management, transport of radioactive materials, emergency preparedness and response and safety of nuclear installations.