Teknisk dokument 30 Determining the source term for a hypothetical nuclear submarine using “ACCIDENT” and “ORIGEN” codes
The severe nuclear accident methodology is briefly described. The determination of radionuclide inventory in a reactor core and its release to the environment because of severe accident has been described for ACCIDENT and ORIGEN codes. The codes were applied to a hypothetical submarine accident and results were compared.
DSA Report 2-2024 Potential Dispersal of Contaminants from Hypothetical Accidents Involving the Floating Nuclear Power Plant: Akademik Lomonosov
The potential for contamination was studied for several hypothetical scenarios where radioactivity was released from the floating nuclear power plant Akademik Lomonosov.
DSA Report 2024-01 Setting up a National Technical and Scientific Support Organization for Nuclear Safety and Security
This report provides a comprehensive record of an international workshop on setting up a national Technical and Scientific Support Organization (TSO) for nuclear safety and security that was organized jointly by the DSA and IAEA from 27-29 June 2023 in Oslo.
DSA booklet 7 Guidance for applications for licences under the Nuclear Energy Act for visits by nuclear-powered naval vessels to Norwegian territorial waters and ports
This booklet sets out the conditions applied by DSA when forming its recommendations to the Norwegian government regarding the issuing of a licence to carry out a visit of a nuclear-powered naval vessel to a Norwegian port or territorial waters in accordance with the Nuclear Energy Act.
DSA Report 03:2023 DSA-rapport 03-2023 Norway’s Report to the joint 8th and 9th Review Meeting of the Convention on Nuclear Safety
Norway’s national report to fulfil the obligations in the Convention on Nuclear Safety.