Teknisk dokument 13 Assessment of Photon Dosimetry, Oslo University Hospital
The quality of absolute photon dosimetry of two linear accelerators at Oslo University Hospital has been audited. The results show a good compliance between the NRPA and the hospital absolute photon dosimetry.
Nordic position statement on justification of new types of practices involving medical exposure
The new European directive on radiation protection reinforces the requirements for justification of medical exposures. The Nordic radiation protection authorities recommend the integration of level 2 justification into established methods for assessments of new health technologies as one approach to strengthen the justification process.
StrålevernRapport 13:2015 Radiation doses to the Norwegian population
This report presents average radiation doses received by the Norwegian population from different sources of medical radiation, cosmic radiation, and from naturally occurring and artificial radioactivity in the environment and food. Examples of population groups with elevated exposure are also presented.
Teknisk dokument 4 Analysis of the uniformity of mammography detectors
Utprøving av nylig utviklet programvare for analyse av detektoruniformitet i digital mammografi. Forslag til passende grenseverdier.
StrålevernRapport 13:2008 Nordic society for radiation protection - NSFS
Rapporten inneholder skriftlig versjon av innlegg på Nordisk selskap for stråleverns konferanse i Ålesund 26–30 mai 2008. Rapporten inneholder fulltekstversjon, eventuelt sammendrag, fra samtlige sesjoner, dvs: opening, medical, effect studies, natural radiation and radiation in nature, emergency preparedness, radioactive waste og nuclear safety and security.