Radioactive substances in Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
In this report, we present the results of the first comprehensive survey of anthropogenic radionuclides (137Cs, 90Sr, 238Pu, 239,240Pu and 241Am) in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and manufactured fish feed from Norway
NRPA Bulletin 5:2017 Joint Norwegian-Russian monitoring of radioactive contamination in Barenst Sea area
The Joint Norwegian- Russian monitoring programme «Investigation of marine environmental radioactive contamination of the Barents Sea area» was established in 2006. Over the last ten years of the monitoring programme valuable information on the status of radioactive contamination in the Barents Sea area has been acquired.
StrålevernRapport 2:2016 Scales for Post-closure Assessment Scenarios
StrålevernRapport 13:2015 Radiation doses to the Norwegian population
This report presents average radiation doses received by the Norwegian population from different sources of medical radiation, cosmic radiation, and from naturally occurring and artificial radioactivity in the environment and food. Examples of population groups with elevated exposure are also presented.
StrålevernRapport 9:2015 Geographical categorisation of the environmental radio-sensitivity of the northern marine environment
Accidents involving the transport of radioactive materials in Northern seas may lead to detrimental consequences for Norwegian coastal environments. A method is presented in this report that allows radiological risk to be quickly derived accounting for the variability associated with the advection and dispersion of contaminants in marine systems.