Nordisk serie 3:2024 Radon dose conversion coefficients and their use in the Nordic countries
This report summarises the current approaches in Finland, Sweden and Norway for estimating the effective dose from indoor radon in workplaces and dwellings, and for radon in drinking water.
Nordisk serie 2:2024 Protective Actions in a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency
The Nordic guidelines provide a common Nordic starting point for the practical application of protective actions for Nordic national authorities responsible for radiation protection in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency.
Nordisk serie 1:2024 Overview of radon management in the Nordic countries
Report, Nordic Working Group on Natural Ionizing Radiation (Nordic-Nat)
This report has been prepared by the Nordic-Nat working group. The aim of the document is to provide an overview of radon management in the Nordic countries and have a closer look at the similarities and differences between the countries in this matter.
Rapporten er opprinnelig publisert hos Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten i Sverige, -
Nordisk serie 3:2023 Regulatory control of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) in the Nordic countries
The current report is a result of the first joint WG Nordic-Nat activity related to NORM, and it provides an overview of national legislations, regulatory approaches and practices concerning NORM across Nordic countries i.e., Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
Rapporten er opprinnelig publisert hos Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten i Sverige, -
Nordisk serie 2:2023 Considerations for the release of patients after radionuclide therapy
Technical report, Nordic Working Group on Medical Applications
Hensikten med denne veilederen er å beskrive de hensyn som sykehusene og nasjonale myndigheter i de nordiske landene må ta i betraktning, ved etablering og evaluering av kriterier for hjemsendelse av pasienter
etter nukleærmedisinsk behandling.
Rapporten er opprinnelig publisert hos Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten i Sverige, -
Nordisk serie 1:2023 Application of dose constraints for shielding of rooms for x-ray imaging
Technical report, Nordic Working Group on Medical Applications
Denne rapporten omhandler anvendelsen av doseføringer generelt, og mer spesifikt hvordan disse kan brukes i vurderingen av bygningsmessig skjerming for rom med dentalt røntgenapparat for intraoral avblidning.
Rapporten er opprinnelig publisert hos Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten i Sverige,