- It is forbidden to offer sunbeds to persons under 18 years of age and you must provide an adequate system for age control.
- The person responsible for the daily operation of the sunbeds and employees in contact with the customers must have passed the competence test “Solarieprøven”.
- There are specific requirements regarding the tanning equipment and information that must be provided to the customers.
- Sunbeds are regulated by the Radiation Protection Regulations.
DSA is the responsible authority for radiation from sunbeds in Norway. The sunbeds are regulated by the Regulations on Radiation Protection and Use of Radiation (Radiation Protection Regulations), authorized in the Act on Radiation Protection and Use of Radiation. In addition, the Internal control regulations applies to companies and organisations governed by this act.
The guide Veileder 3: Veileder til solstudioinnehavere og de som tilbyr soling i solarium (pdf) (in Norwegian only) describes in detail the requirements in the Radiation Protection Regulations for tanning studios and others who offer indoor tanning. Both the owners and the employees should be familiar with the contents of this guide.
If you have questions about the regulations and how to fulfil the requirements, please contact DSA (
Who do the requirements apply to?
The requirements in the regulations apply to all companies and organisations offering sunbeds, this being in a tanning studio, as part of other businesses/activities, or by rental of sunbed to private individuals or workplaces. This also includes companies and organisations renting sunbeds from other companies and offering these sunbeds to others. Other business/activity might be hair, wellness or beauty salon, gym/fitness studio, hotel or similar.
18 years age limit and age control
It is forbidden to offer sunbeds to persons under 18 years of age in Norway. Use of sunbeds at young age increases the risk of skin cancer.
All companies and organisations offering indoor tanning shall provide an adequate age control system.
Competence test – “Solarieprøven”
The person responsible for the daily operation of the sunbeds and employees in contact with the customers must have passed the competence test “Solarieprøven”. The test may be taken at one of Norsk Test’s test centres in Norway or as an online test under the surveillance of Norsk Test. A passed test is valid for five years.
Information about this mandatory test, “Solarieprøven”, is found on www.solarieprø Here you will also find an e-learning training course containing all you need to pass the competence test. It is also possible to purchase the training course as a written compendium. The training course and test are available in English as well as in Norwegian.
Mandatory information to the customers
The customers must not be subject to unnecessary risk when using sunbeds. The company/organisation must inform the customers about correct use of the sunbed, recommendations on suntanning and exposure times and relevant risk factors regarding the use of sunbeds.
Each sunbed must be marked with a warning text (in Norwegian) and there must be a warning poster with precautionary text clearly visible in the tanning facility. It is mandatory to use DSA’s poster version, and other posters, which may disturb the attention of the warning poster, shall not be displayed.
The information brochure “You should know this before using a sunbed” (“Dette bør du vite før du tar solarium”, in Norwegian only) must be communicated to each customer, either as a printed copy (handed out or available for the customer to take home) or by distributing the information electronically/making it available in an electronic solution. Printed copies of the brochure may be ordered by small and medium sized companies/organisations. Please send your order by e-mail to, and be sure to specify the delivery address and the desired number of brochures.

Technical requirements for the sunbeds
The Radiation Protection Regulations describe requirements for the tanning equipment in sections 22, 36 and 38, and the company/organisation offering indoor tanning is responsible for the sunbeds complying with the regulations at all times. Sunbeds in Norway must (the list is an extract and is not exhaustive)::
- Comply with the European Standard for sunbeds EN 60335-2-27 with amendments.
- Satisfy the requirements for UV type 3
- Have technical documentation regarding its performance (documentation that the requirements for UV type 3 are satisfied) and operating instructions, including recommendations on exposure times, maintenance instructions and a description of radiation protection and safety.
- Be published at DSA's list of registered models -
- Be equipped with fluorescent tubes, lamps, filters etc. according to the specifications for the model in DSA’s list. Only fluorescent tubes with equivalency code are allowed to use. If a model is specified with more than one configuration (combination) of equivalency code ranges and lamps, all tubes and lamps must be chosen from the same configuration.
- Be marked with UV type 3, warning label (in Norwegian) and equivalency code range, as well as the names of UV lamps, other than fluorescent tubes (e.g. high-pressure lamps/facial lamps), allowed in the model. For models specified with more than one configuration of equivalency code ranges and lamps, the sunbed must be labelled with the configuration in use. From 2023, new sunbeds incorporating visual or IR emitters must also be marked with the manufacturer, model name and technical specification of appropriate replacement lamps.
- Have a timer that can be set as is specified in the recommended exposure schedule.
- Have protective goggles available for all sunbeds (to borrow or for sale).

Administrative requirements
Notification to DSA
According to the Radiation Protection Regulations, Sections 13–15, all companies and organisations offering sunbeds for cosmetic purposes for sale, lease or use must notify DSA. DSA’s electronic registration system (EMS) must be used for this purpose, available on (login with “ID-porten”). First you register the company/organisation, then a registration of every single sunbed is submitted to DSA. For information on how to use EMS, please visit
Internal control
Companies/organisations offering sunbeds must have an internal control system suitable for the company/organisation and the sunbeds’ premises. The company/organisation must assess the risks associated with its use of radiation, put preventive measures in place and establish good procedures to reduce these risks. The staff must be given sufficient training and there must be written procedures and work instructions.
According to the Radiation Protection Regulations both DSA and the municipalities can conduct inspections of sunbeds. Required information and documentation must be provided during inspections. Inspectors must be able to check the sunbed model and sunlamps in use without difficulty; for example, all tube lamps should be installed in such a way that the name, equivalency code and type may be easily read. Inspections may be unannounced if considered necessary. If the local authority or DSA must perform a second inspection, further measurements etc., to check whether breaches in the Radiation Protection Regulations have been rectified, the company or organisation may be ordered to cover the costs of this.
More information
- More detailed information on some of the requirements
- DSA’s electronic registration system (EMS)
- DSA’s list of registered sunbed models
- Competence test - Solarieprøven
- Guide 3 Veileder 3: Veileder til solstudioinnehavere og de som tilbyr soling i solarium (pdf) (In Norwegian)
- Information brochure «Dette bør du vite før du tar solarium»
- Warning poster «Advarsel»