StrålevernRapport 15:2006 Threat Assessment of radioisotope thermoelectric generators
Formålet med denne trusselvurderingsrapporten er å gi regulerende myndigheters syn på de viktigste områder som krever overvåking og regulativ utvikling når det gjelder aktiviteter koblet til RTG-dekommisjonering og sluttdeponering. De største radiologiske truslene har blitt identifisert og tiltak for å redusere dem har blitt foreslått.
StrålevernRapport 17:2005 Initial threat assessment. Radiological risks associated with SevRao facilities
The purpose of this initial threat assessment is to obtain av view, from the regulatory perspective of FMBA, of the most important issues wich require supervision and regulatory developement, regarding work which has to be carried out at the Andreeva Bay and Gremikha.
StrålevernInfo 5:2004 Environmental impact assessment for the decommissioning of two Russian nuclear submarines
Norway has financed the decommissioning of two Russian Viktor II class nuclear submarines through the government’s action plan for nuclear issues.
StrålevernInfo 7:2004 Dismantling of RTGs on the Kola Peninsula
In remote places along the Russian Arctic shoreline there are several hundred lighthouses powered by radioisotopic thermoelectric generators (RTGs). These generators contain highly radioactive Strontium-90 sources, which represent a local environmental hazard.
StrålevernInfo 8:2003 Radiation Protection in the Andreeva Bay
Recently radiation protection experts and representatives of authorities and regional bodies in Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom gathered to discuss radiation protection, environmental measurements and radiation doses in the Andreeva area.