StrålevernRapport 6:2015 Inventory and source term evaluation of the dumped nuclear submarine K-27
An overview of existing and /available information regarding the Russian nuclear submarine K-27 is provided in the report. Furthermore, a detailed account of the inventory is given along with consideration of the various conditions under which a spontaneous chain reaction might occur. The amounts and forms of radionuclides that may be released to the environment under given accident scenarios are thereafter characterised.
StrålevernRapport 8:2013 Final report 2008-2012. Norwegian support to regulatory authorities in Central Asian in radioaktive waste management
With the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority has developed projects on a bilateral basis with the aim of assisting the regulatory bodies in Central Asian countries identify gaps in the regulatory framework and draft relevant regulatory requirements to ensure the protection of personnel, the public and the environment during the planning and conducting of remedial action with regard to past practices and measures for radioactive waste management.
StrålevernRapport 4:2013 Dismantlement of nuclear facilities decommissioned from th Russian navy
In Russian.
The availability of up to date regulatory norms and standards for nuclear and radiation safety, relevant to the management of nuclear legacy situations, combined with effective and efficient regulatory procedures for licensing and monitoring compliance, are considered to be extremely important. -
StrålevernRapport 3:2013 Dismantlement of nuclear facilities decommissioned from the Russian navy
The availability of up to date regulatory norms and standards for nuclear and radiation safety, relevant to the management of nuclear legacy situations, combined with effective and efficient regulatory procedures for licensing and monitoring compliance, are considered to be extremely important.
SttrålevernRapport 10:2011 Enhancement of regulatory supervision of the nuclear legacy in northwest Russia
This report describes work carried out within the cooperation programme between the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority and the Directorate of State Supervision for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation performed in 2008-2009. It focuses on development of improved regulatory documents and supervision procedures for handling spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste at facilities that are no longer used by the Russian Federation Navy but that are still under military supervision and control.