StrålevernRapport 7:2014 Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management
This report describes the overall situation of the spent fuel and radioactive waste management in Norway. This national report is submitted to the fifth review meeting of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of the Radioactive Waste Management to be held on 11–22 May 2015
StrålevernRapport 6:2013 Implementation of the IAEA conde of conduct on the safety and security of radioactive sources and its supplementary import/export guidance
National Report from Norway to the IAEA International Conference on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources: Maintaining the Continuous Global Control of Sources throughout their Life Cycle, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27–31 October 2013.
StrålevernRapport 8:2011 Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management
Rapporten inneholder nasjonal rapport fra Norge til det fjerde tilsynsmøtet til Felleskonvensjonen om sikker håndtering av brukt brensel og sikker håndtering av radioaktivt avfall som blir avholdt 14. -23. mai 2012.
StrålevernRapport 7:2010 Implementation of the obligations of the convention on nuclear safety in Norway
The fifth Norwegian report in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention on Nuclear Safety concludes that Norway is in compliance with its obligations under the convention.
StrålevernRapport 13:2008 Nordic society for radiation protection - NSFS
Rapporten inneholder skriftlig versjon av innlegg på Nordisk selskap for stråleverns konferanse i Ålesund 26–30 mai 2008. Rapporten inneholder fulltekstversjon, eventuelt sammendrag, fra samtlige sesjoner, dvs: opening, medical, effect studies, natural radiation and radiation in nature, emergency preparedness, radioactive waste og nuclear safety and security.